
Nauryz reading

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  • How long is Nauryz celebrated?
    3 days
  • Why number 7 is significant for Kazakh people?
    Because there is a special custom
  • In which month it was believed that winter is over?
    March/ Nauryz
  • Whaen do people start celebration of Nauryz?, the date
    21st of March
  • What yurts are made of ?
    Camel wool
  • Why do Kazakh people wait for Kadyr-Ata?
    His blessing prosperity and happiness
  • How many ingredients is in "Nauryz kozhe"?
  • What is the special dish of Nauryz?
    Nauryz kozhe
  • How do people prepare for Nauryz?
    They plant trees and flowers, they clean their houses
  • How do you and your family celebrate Nauryz?