
Going to

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  • Przetłumacz: Czy on zamierza tu przyjść ? (come here)
    Is he going to come here?
  • Przetłumacz: Chyba będzie nie słonecznie. It .........................sunny
    it isn't going to be sunny
  • uzupełnij : Is he .........................?
    going to play computer games ?
  • He .................... to fall down !
    is going
  • What is she going to do ?
    She is going to cook.
  • We eat dinner
    are going.
  • Przetłumacz : On nie zamierza cie odwiedzić .
    he is not going to visit you.
  • What are they going to do ?
    They are going to buy a present.
  • What are you going to do ?
    I am going to watch TV.
  • Przetłumacz: My nie zamierzamy jeść śniadania teraz.
    We are not going to eat breakfast now.
  • Przetłumacz: Mam zamiar zmienić świat ! (change)
    I am going to change the world.
  • uzupełnij : Are you ..........................?
    going to sing
  • Przetłumacz: Czy ona zamierza oddać ci pieniądze? (give back money)
    Is she going to give you the money back ?
  • What are they going to do ?
    They are going to swim.
  • Przetłumacz: My nie zamierzamy zostać tu na noc. (stay for the night)
    we are not going to stay here for the night.
  • Przetłumacz: Chyba nie będzie padało . It ..........................rain.
    It isn't going to rain.
  • uzupełnij : Are they .......................?
    going to walk the dog ?
  • Uzupełnij : Are you ........................?
    going to go to school ?
  • Uzupełnij zdanie: I play football.
    am going
  • Przetłumacz: Ty nie zamierzasz tego kupić, prawda? You............................, are you?
    You aren't going to buy it, are you ?
  • What is he going to do ?
    He is going to do his homework .
  • What is it going to do ?
    It is going to fly.
  • What is he going to do ?
    He is going to ride a bike.
  • Przetłumacz: Nie zamierzam Cie słuchać.
    I am not going to listen to you.