
Slavery and Abolition

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  • Name the female author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin", a novel about slavery that is banned today.
    Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Which brilliant slave hid inside a shipping crate and mailed himself to Philadelphia and freedom?
    Henry "Box" Brown
  • What did owners do when slaves ran away?
    They would take out ads in the newspaper describing the runaways and offer rewards for their return.
  • In what two main types of fields did slaves work?
    cotton and tobacco
  • Which Amendment did Congress pass in 1865, and what was the result?
    The Thirteenth Amendment which ended slavery in the USA forever.
  • Name two ways that blacks were able to become free.
    saving money to purchase freedom, or running away to places where slavery was outlawed
  • Which group of people argued that slaves were an "economic necessity"?
    southern planters
  • Where in America were the first slaves brought? What year?
    Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619
  • How did "The Slave's Friend" and "The Child's Anti-Slavery Book" help the anti-slavery cause?
    These were stories, poems, pictures, and songs that appealed to children.
  • Who published a newspaper called "The Liberator" and fought for the rights of African American after the Civil War?
    William Lloyd Garrison
  • Explain the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
    This law required people in northern states to return runaways to their southern owners.
  • In 1787, a clause was added to the US Constitution requiring what?
    notherners to return runaway slaves to the South
  • Name the person who escaped slavery and wrote a famous book about his life as an American slave.
    Frederick Douglass
  • What code name was used for the secret network of "conductors" and abolitionists who helped slaves hide and escape through "depots" and "stations"?
    The Underground Railroad
  • In 1863, In the middle of the Civil War, what did President Lincoln issue? AND what was the result?
    The Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaes in all states fighting against the Union.
  • What famous leader disagreed with slavery and vowed never to purchase another after the Revolution?
    President George Washington
  • The conditions for slaves were somewhat less difficult if they...?
    worked inside the home, or had a special skill or trade
  • Why was the slave system so profitable and productive for owners?
    Because slaves were not paid for their labor.
  • This Underground Railroad 'conductor" helped many slaves escape to freedom. They called her "Moses".
    Harriet Tubman
  • Who opposed slavery and was elected president in 1860?
    Abrahan Lincoln
  • How did Lucretia Mott and Sojourner Truth contribute to the cause to end slavery?
    They gave passionate speeches, organized anti-slavery fairs to sell baked goods and crafts to raise money.
  • What did the southern states do after Lincoln was elected president of the US? WHY?
    They left the Union, fearing the new Republican government would end slavery.
  • People who disagreed with slavery were called
  • By 1860, slavery was a main cause of
    Civil War in the US