
Complete Preliminary Unit 1 My Life and Home Wor ...

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  • PUT IN ORDER - Every the newspaper read people some almost day .
    Some people read the newspaper almost every day.
  • I’ll see you___six o’clock outside the cinema. (in, on or at)
    I’ll see you at six o’clock outside the cinema.
  • PUT IN ORDER - I once a go year skiing .
    I go skiing once a year.
  • All the players___that the match is tomorrow. (know / are knowing)
    All the players know that the match is tomorrow.
  • PUT IN ORDER - Home mornings never the in are at they .
    They are never at home in the mornings.
  • My little brother___very quickly this year. (grows / is growing)
    My little brother is growing very quickly this year.
  • PUT IN ORDER - Days take dog I to most the park my .
    I take my dog to the park most days.
  • The weather___better this month. (gets / is getting)
    The weather is getting better this month.
  • PUT IN ORDER - She class ask in doesn’t questions often .
    She doesn’t often ask questions in class.
  • My sister___TV programmes about history. (hates / is hating)
    My sister hates TV programmes about history.
  • We went to play baseball___the park. (in, on or at)
    We went to play baseball in the park.
  • PUT IN ORDER - A occasionally restaurant eat they in .
    They occasionally eat in a restaurant.
  • PUT IN ORDER - Good a breakfast I every day eat .
    I eat a good breakfast every day.
  • My mum___Japanese at the moment. (learns / is learning)
    My mum is learning Japanese at the moment.
  • There’s a clock___the wall in the kitchen. (in, on or at)
    There’s a clock on the wall in the kitchen.
  • Some people___too much TV. (watch / are watching)
    Some people watch too much TV.
  • I arrived late___the evening after swimming practice. (in, on or at)
    I arrived late in the evening after swimming practice.
  • Oliver often___the bus on Monday mornings. (misses / is missing)
    Oliver often misses the bus on Monday mornings.
  • I left my bus pass___home, so I had to walk into town. (in, on or at)
    I left my bus pass at home, so I had to walk into town.
  • PUT IN ORDER - Ever photos he on holiday hardly takes .
    He hardly ever takes photos on holiday.
  • I love to go walking___spring when it’s not too hot. (in, on or at)
    I love to go walking in spring when it’s not too hot.
  • We can’t go out because it___today. (snows / is snowing)
    We can’t go out because it is snowing today.
  • Most police officers___a uniform for work. (wear / are wearing)
    Most police officers wear a uniform for work.
  • Lola usually eats with her family___her birthday. (in, on or at)
    Lola usually eats with her family on her birthday.
  • The supermarket___at 10 o’clock on Sundays. (opens / is opening)
    The supermarket opens at 10 o’clock on Sundays.
  • You’ll find the toilets down the corridor___ the right. (in, on or at)
    You’ll find the toilets down the corridor on the right.