
Comparisons for Kids

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  • Which is FASTER?
    the turtle
  • Which is COLDER?
    the ice cube
  • Who is in DEEPER water?
  • Who has the BETTER test score, the boy or the girl?
    the boy has a 6.
  • Which is SHORTER?
    the blue pencil
  • Which is SAFER?
    the bike is safer
  • Which person is LOWER on the mountain - Marlene or Thomas?
  • Which is MORE MODERN?
    the red car
  • Who is QUIETER?
    the boy with black hair
  • Which is HEALTHIER?
    the salad
  • Which is WORSE: finding a worm, or finding half a worm in your apple?
    finding half a worm!
  • Who is TALLER?
    the man
  • Who is STRONGER?
  • Which is TASTIER?
  • Which is BIGGER?
    the dog
  • Which is SWEETER?
    Honey is sweeter than watermelon.
  • Which sum is MORE DIFFICULT?
    sum B
  • Which can jump HIGHER?
    the kangaroo
  • Who is LAZIER - the sloth or you?
  • Who is MORE CAREFUL - driver A or B?
    A - she's not using a mobile phone
  • Which is probably HEAVIER - the elephant or the car?
    the elephant