
6th WW Lesson 1 & 2

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  • Detain means...
    to keep apart.
    to reach out.
    great success.
    to stop or hold someone.
  • Verdict means...
    to violate an agreement.
    to reach out.
    fail to keep a trust.
    the decision at the end of a trial.
  • A ceremony is a formal event.
  • Poverty is a condition of poor health.
  • If you ferry someone you are giving them comfort.
  • The Jews were __________________ by the Germans in World War II.
  • A campaign is ...
    to have control over someone.
    a formal event.
    a series of military actions.
    to stop or hold someone.
  • Lofty means...
    moving goods or people
    skilled at speaking
    tall or high
  • Contribute means...
    To give along with others
    Very call or high
    The state of being silent
    Skilled at speaking
  • The sailors ______________ hands in a circle around their captain.
  • Arrogant means...
    military actions in an area.
    refusing to deal with another person or group.
    taking into custody.
    showing too much pride in oneself.
  • Pedestal means to show in public or display.
  • Integrate means...
    to unite into a whole, put together.
    to keep seperate.
    to make empty.
    to be successful.
  • Is conspicuous spelled correctly?
  • An immigrant is...
    a person who treats others harsh or cruelly
    someone who is poor
    someone who is very tall
    a person who comes into a country to live there
  • Appeal means to make an earnest request or to ask for something.
  • To speak in an affectionate manner to show a too-proud attitude.
  • Affection means...
    To grasp or hold
    To get along with others
    A fond or tender feeling
    To make an earnest request
  • Someone who is skilled at speaking or writing may have...?
  • What do you call a boat that carries people or goods?
  • Extend means...
    to reach out.
    to fill up.
    to make empty.
    to put someone in a high position.
  • His long white beard made him ___________________ in the room of young students.
  • Unveil is spelled correctly.
  • The ________________ made by the president surprised everyone.
  • Violate means...
    to trust someone.
    to break a trust or law or promise.
    to form an opinion.
    to knock over.
  • Vacate means...
    to make empty or leave an area.
    a great success.
    to keep apart.
    to be unlucky.
  • Degrade means...
    to bring shame or disgrace upon someone or something.
    to keep from moving on.
    the highest rank.
    to honor someone in a special position.
  • Boycott means...
    Join others in refusing to deal with a person or group.
    A series of military actions.
    To bring shame or disgrace.
    A formal event.