
Did they?

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  • Did they read a newspaper yesterday?
    They didn't read a newspaper, they read a book yesterday.
  • Did she swim yesterday?
    She didn't swim. She drank milk yesterday?
  • Did they eat at home yesterday?
    They didn't eat at home yesterday. They ate out yesterday.
  • Did they go to the beach yesterday?
    They didn't go to the beach yesterday. They went on a picnic yesterday.
  • Did they stay at home yesterday?
    They didn't stay at home, they went to the supermarket yesterday.
  • Did they go to the beach yesterday?
    They didn't go to the beach. They went fishing yesterday.
  • Did she eat soup yesterday.
    No, she didn't eat soup yesterday. She ate hot dogs.
  • Did they ride horses yesterday?
    they didn't ride horses, they rode bikes yesterday.
  • Did they go on a picnic yesterday?
    No, they didn't go on a picnic. They went hiking yesterday.
  • Did they go swimming yesterday?
    They didn't go swimming They went to the cinema.
  • Did he lose at tennis yesterday?
    He didn't lose at tennis, he won yesterday.
  • Did they go outside yesterday?
    They didn't go outside, they stayed at home yesterday.
  • Did she walk in the park yesterday?
    She didn't walk in the park, they went swimming yesterday.
  • Did she go on a picnic yesterday?
    She didn't go on a picnic. She cooked lunch yesterday.
  • Did they go to the cinema yesterday?
    They didn't go to the cinema yesterday. They went to the museum yesterday.
  • Did they play computer games yesterday?
    They didn't play computer games, they played chess yesterday.
  • Did they win the game yesterday?
    They didn't win the game. They lost yesterday.
  • Did she read a story yesterday?
    She didn't read a story, she wrote a story yesterday.
  • Did they have fun yesterday?
    Yes, they did. They had fun and dressed up.
  • Did she text her granny yesterday?
    She didn't text her granny, she texted her friends yesterday.
  • Did they play football yesterday?
    They didn't play football yesterday, they played tennis.
  • Did they decorate a room yesterday?
    They didn't decorate a room. They decorated a tree yesterday.
  • Did they go to the supermarket yesterday?
    They didn't go to the supermarket. They went ice skating.