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  • I'm sure Stella didn't leave the lecture early. Stella...
    Stella can't have left the lecture early.
  • Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago. Jack ...
    Jack should have arrived half an hour ago.
  • It wasn't necessary to go to the immigration office. They already had my record. I...
    I needn't have gone to the immigration office. They already had my record.
  • I'm sure that Helen feels really lonely. Helen...
    Helen must feel really lonely.
  • I'm sure that Brenda isn't over thirty. Brenda...
    Brenda can't be over thirty.
  • I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table! The cat...
    The cat must have taken the fish from the table.
  • It is a bad idea to go into that abandoned castle at night. We...
    We shouldn't go into that abandoned castle at night.
  • It looks like he is looking for something. He...
    He may/might/can/could be looking for something.
  • I would like to have the ability to speak many foreign languages. I...
    I would like to be able to speak many foreign languages.
  • Perhaps they came up with a better solution. They...
    They may/might have come up with a better solution.
  • You needn't come with me if you don't want to. You...
    You don't have to come with me if you don't want to.
  • Maybe Tom is looking for a new place to live. Tom...
    Tom could be looking for a new place to live.
  • Perhaps Pam and Tim decided not to come. Pam and Tim ....
    Pam and Tim might have decided not to come.
  • Did you manage to stop him? Were...
    Were you able to stop him?
  • It was a mistake to park outside the police station. You ....
    You shouldn't have parked outside the police station.
  • Do I need a different driving license for a motorbike? Do I...
    Do I have to have a different driving license for a motorbike?
  • Why aren't you at home revising for your exam? You...
    You should be revising for your exam at home now.
  • I wish they had cancelled the concert before. They...
    They should have cancelled the concert before.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the classroom. Students...
    Students mustn't/can't leave the classroom.
  • Maybe Paul is arranging the ceremony for Friday. Paul...
    Paul might be arranging the ceremony for Friday.
  • It was a waste of time worrying, after all! You...
    You needn't have worried after all!
  • It was very wrong of you to take my car without asking. You...
    You shouldn't have taken my car without asking.
  • It would be a great idea if Harry took a holiday. Harry...
    Harry should take a holiday.
  • Heather possibly hasn't left yet. Heather...
    Heather might not have left yet.
  • I'm sure that David took your books by mistake. David ....
    David must have taken your books by mistake.
  • The minister was able to fight for the rights of people, but he did nothing. THE MINISTER...
    The minister could have fought for the rights of people, but he did nothing.
  • You're not allowed to park here. You...
    You can't/mustn't park here.