
Animal Farm Characters

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  • What does Boxer represent?
    The Working Classes
  • Who is Old Major based on?
    Karl Marx
  • Which leading German Nazi could be said to be similar to squealer?
    Joseph Goebbels
  • Who does Napoleon represent?
    Stalin (The answer: Napoleon is too obvious)
  • What is Manor Farm a representation of?
    Russia (or more precisely pre-revolutionary Tsarist Russia)
  • Who does Mr. Pilkington represent?
    England (or perhaps the U.S)
  • Who does Mollie repesent?
    The petit-bourgeoisie who fled Russia after the revolution
  • Who does Mr. Frederick represent?
    Adolf Hitler
  • Who is Snowball based on?
    Leon Trotsky
  • What does Moses the Raven represent
    Religion or The Church
  • Who, it is said, does Benjamin represent?
    Orwell himself