
Best friend vs. Regular Friend vs. Acquaintance

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  • Someone you play video games online with after school. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Friends you know online only. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • A person who you talk to during class but not outside of class. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Someone who plays with you during recess/nutrition and lunch. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Someone you constantly work with during school projects. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • A teacher who is also the head of the video game club you are in that you attend after school. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • A friend who you known since kindergarten who you talk to everyday. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • Your grandmother. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Someone who invites you to their birthday party even though you are not super close. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Someone you can talk to about your feelings. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • Someone who helps you with your homework. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Your aunt. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Someone you can tell your secrets to. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • The police. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Someone from school you invite to your house. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • A worker at a restaurant you see often and talk to. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • Friend you text sometimes. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Someone who helps you through tough times. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • Someone who you occasionally hang out with after school but not all the time. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Regular friend
  • A worker at a restaurant you see often but don't talk to. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Someone who tells you the truth even though it might hurt your feelings. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • Someone in your class. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Your teacher. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
  • Your brother/sister. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?
    Best friend
  • Friends you know through other friends. Best friend, regular friend, or acquaintance?