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  • We eat 8 spiders while we sleep every year.
    Myth. There is no scientific evidence to prove this.
  • Non-flying dinosaurs and humans lived on Earth at the same time.
    MYTH. The fossil record shows a gap of about 65 million years between the last non-flying dinosaurs and the Homo genus to which humans belong.
  • The Moon has a dark side that doesn't get sunlight.
    MYTH. In reality, it is no darker than any other part of the Moon's surface as sunlight does in fact fall equally on all sides of the Moon.
  • We only use 10% of our brains.
    Myth. We use all of our brain, but for different things.
  • Elephants can't jump.
    Fact. Unlike most mammals, the bones in elephant legs are all pointed downwards, which means they don't have the "spring" required to push off the ground.
  • Bulls become angry at the color red.
    Myth. Bulls are actually colorblind.
  • A coin dropped from a very high building can kill someone on the ground.
    Myth. Coins are too small to kill a person, they can only hurt a little.
  • Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve stainless steel.
    Fact. Your stomach digests food thanks to highly corrosive hydrochloric acid with a pH of 2 to 3.
  • All bacteria are unhealthy.
    MYTH: Not all bacteria are bad, some are good, like the bacteria used in fermenting milk and turn it into a delicious yogurt.
  • Male mosquitoes don't bite.
    FACT. Males are not capable of biting because they lack the specific mouthparts necessary for piercing skin. Male mosquitoes are pollinators.
  • Albert Einstein was very bad at maths at school.
    Myth. He was a great student in all subjects.
  • The world population is 7.9 billion.
    Fact. About four people are born and four people die every second.
  • Lightning never strikes twice.
    Myth. It happens a lot with very tall buildings.
  • We have all been classified as female at some point during pregnancy.
    Fact. The Y chromosome only develops after the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy.
  • Babies have around 100 more bones than adults.
    Fact. With age, the bones fuse and decrease in number.