
'Curiouser and curiouser'

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  • Participants are encouraged to wear fancy dress at ... championship.
    bog snorkelling
  • When does bog snorkelling started?
    in 1976
  • How much does the winner in Cheese Rolling Race receive?
    10 pounds
  • What are the rules for the gurning chmpionship?
    Participants put their heads through a horse collar and make faces. The uglier, the better.
  • It is an example of a modern custom based on a unique sporting event that is not taken too seriously.
    Bog snorkelling
  • Unfortunately, it is by no means a safe competition: both participants and spectators are injured every year.
    Cheese Rolling Race
  • It was described as an ancient tradition by the local newspaper in 1852.
    The World Gurning Championship
  • When is the gurning competition held?
    on the third Saturday in September
  • It marks the shortest day of the year
    Burning the clocks festival
  • The highlight of the celebration is the burning of a specially-built Viking longship.
    Up Helly Aa
  • Where do participants carry a specially-built Viking longship?
    to its final resting place
  • The event has been held since 1880s.
    Up Helly Aa
  • When do Shetland people celebrate their Viking heritage?
    on the last Tuesday of January
  • Where does Cheese Rolling Race take place?
    near Gloucester
  • Who created Burning the Clocks festival?
    a community arts charity
  • It is held in Brighton on 21 December
    Burning the clocks
  • This event takes place every August Bank Holiday
    Bog snorkelling
  • How much does cheese weigh?
    9 pounds
  • When the Egremont fair was established?
    in 1267
  • What is the length of the distance that participants of bog snorkelling have to cover?
    110 metres