
Look at all the cards below and brainstorm suita ...

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  • Someone leaves and someone new comes in to take their place
    “John has to go to another meaning, so Jill will take his place.” “John had to rush off, but Jill has come in instead.”
  • You can’t identify who is speaking
    “Was that John?” “Sorry. Who was that just now?”
  • Tell the other side they need to adjust their equipment
    “The camera seems to be pointing in the wrong direction.” “Can you try moving/ adjusting…?
  • Interrupt someone
    “Can I come in here?” “Sorry to butt in, but…”
  • There is an interruption
    “Sorry, someone has just come in.” “Sorry, there’s a lot of noise outside.
  • You need something repeated three times before you understand it
    “Sorry, I still don’t get it.” “Could you just say that one last time?”
  • You don’t understand something
    “I didn’t catch…” “
  • Insist that people use their own names every time they speak
    “Sorry. Can people identify themselves before they speak?” “It might be easier if people said their names each time they speak.”
  • You don’t understand something
    “I didn’t catch…”
  • Talk about a particular part of a document you all have copies of...
    “In the first section/ paragraph/ sentence/ bullet point…”
  • The video has some problems
    “Your image has frozen.” “The image has disappeared.”