
because incredible english 3

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  • I go to school by car because
    my school is far from my house.
  • I like my school because ...
    there are my friends. / ...
  • The cat is sleeping because
    it's tired.
  • Take an umbrella because
    it's raining.
  • There's a cinema on my map because
    I love watching films / I love popcorn.
  • I love summer because
    it's hot / sunny.
  • I love the park because ...
    I play football there.
  • I love this restaurant
    because they make great pizza there / I love pizza.
  • He's wearing a coat because
    it's cold / snowy.
  • He is drinking water because
    he is thirsty.
  • I go to the library because
    I love reading books.
  • I love Saturday and Sunday because
    there's no school.
  • Elephants can't fly because
    they don't have wings.
  • I don't like swimming pool because
    I can't swim.
  • I don't like Mondays because
    I get up early.
  • I love the park because
    there are swings and slides.
  • I love mountains because
    I like skiing / I go skiing.
  • I'm wearing sunglasses because
    it's sunny.
  • I don't like winter because
    it's cold.
  • The dog is happy because
    it's got a present.
  • I like music because
    I want to be a singer / ...
  • I started to cry because
    I am sad.
  • He's yawning because
    he's bored / sleepy.
  • She is happy because
    it's her birthday.