
Name that Zone!

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  • At recess, you wanted to play soccer with your friend, but he wanted to play on the swings. What zone are you in?
  • While you are taking your Science test, you keep thinking about the funny movie that you watched last night. You start to giggle and feel very silly. What zone are you in?
  • Name one strategy you can use when you are out of control and in the red zone and you want to move into the green zone.
  • You got plenty of sleep last night and ate a good breakfast before school. What zone are you in?
  • Whose job is it to be aware of what zone you are in and use strategies to move to the green zone if you need to?
  • You really wanted to play Freeze Tag in gym, but your teacher says that you have to play Jump Rope. You get mad and start yelling at your gym teacher. What zone are you in?
  • Last night, there were thunderstorms and they kept you up all night. You barely got any sleep and woke up late and had to hurry to school. You are very tired. What zone are you in?
  • Your teacher says your class has to miss 5 minutes of recess because your class was loud in the hallway. What zone are you in?
  • Name a strategy you can do to help you when you feel worried and are in the yellow zone, but you want to move to the green zone.
  • The fire alarm goes off and you weren't expecting it. You are very scared. What zone are you in?
  • You finished all of your homework sooner than you thought you would and now you have time to play with your friend before dinner. What zone are you in?
  • You are called on to read in front of your class. You don't like to read and you are very nervous about having to read in front of class. What Zone are you in?
  • When your teacher was giving directions, you sat quietly and listened to her, making eye contact with her. What zone are you in?
  • You slipped and fell in a mud puddle at recess and now your pants are all muddy. You feel really embarrassed when you get back to your class. What zone are you in?
  • You are bored because your friend is watching a cartoon that you do not like. What zone are you in?
  • Your Mom tells you that it's time for bed. You are annoyed because you were playing your video game. You feel annoyed, shut the game off, and stomp off to bed without saying good night. What zone are you in?
  • You had a long day at school. When you got home, you feel exhausted and just want to go to bed. What zone are you in?
  • You have a headache and runny nose. What zone are you in?
  • Name one thing you can do to help you move from the blue (blah) zone when you are feeling sleepy to the green zone so you can concentrate in class
  • Name a yellow zone feeling.
    Frustrated, worried, silly, annoyed, excited
  • Name a green zone feeling
    Happy, focused, relaxed, ready to work, calm
  • What zone do you need to be in while you are in class so that your teacher will have good thoughts about you?
  • Name one strategy that you can use to stay in the green zone while you are in class
  • You tell your teacher about your headache and sore throat. What zone are you in?
  • You are playing a game of baamboozle and your classmate chose you to switch scores with. Now you are losing. You start yelling at your classmate and slam your hands on the table. What zone are you in?
  • You tried your best on your art project and you are proud of your work. What zone are you in?
  • Name a blue zone feeling.
    Tired, sick, sad, bored