
Past Simple

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  • The bus didn't stopped.
    The bus didn't STOP.
  • I losed my keys.
    I LOST my keys.
  • He didn't knew the answer.
    He didn't KNOW the answer.
  • I feeled excited before my holiday.
    I FELT excited before my holiday.
  • I toke the bus to go to the zoo.
    I TOOK the bus to go to the zoo.
  • We wasn't happy that we lose the game
  • I didn't be at school yesterday.
    I WASN'T at school yesterday.
  • We studyed really hard for the exam.
    We STUDIED really hard for the exam.
  • I broken a glass and cut my finger.
    I BROKE a glass and cut my finger.
  • It rainned a lot in April.
    It RAINED a lot in April.
  • I wasn't go shopping yesterday.
    I DIDN'T go shopping yesterday.