
Advanced modals and semi-modals

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  • You don't ______ to buy any milk, I think we have enough
  • She looked upset, you ___________ spoken to her like that
    shouldn't have
  • The homework was really difficult but I ________ to do it in the end
  • James could________ a really good football player but in the end, he wanted to concentrate on his studies
    have been
  • I have an exam tomorrow, I ______ study more if I want to pass
  • When John first started working in his new company, he _________ do a lot more extra work than he has to do now
    had to
  • You don't look well, I think it would be a good idea to see a doctor. TO
    I think you ought to see a doctor
  • You _______ have bought any milk, we have plenty
  • We should go now, it's getting late. HAD
    We had better go now, it's getting late
  • Alice ________ worried about the exam, she passed with flying colours
    needn't have
  • We are not __________ to speak Spanish in class
  • The concert is free, you ____________ pay
    don't have to
  • You ____________ smoke in class
    mustn't/aren't allowed to/can't
  • There's no way that she did that. POSSIBLY
    She can't possibly have done that
  • You _________ to wear a mask in public spaces nowadays
  • I could play the piano when I was 7 years old. TO
    I was able to play the piano when I was 7 years old
  • She's late. It's possible she has got stuck in traffic. HAVE
    She may/might/could have got stuck in traffic
  • It _______be time for lunch, my stomach is rumbling