
On Summer Holiday - describing a picture

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  • Can Trumpet read?
    Yes, he can.
  • How many are they?
    They are eight?
  • Can you swim?
    Yes, I can./No, I can't.
  • Has Trumpet got a book?
    Yes, he has.
  • Who is swimming in the sea?
    Patty and Rob are swimming.
  • Can Chatter climb a tree?
    Yes, he can.
  • Whose skirt is pink?
    Sally's skirt is pink.
  • Is Chatter drinking juice?
    Yes, he is.
  • Who is wearing yellow shorts?
    Chatter is wearing yellow shorts.
  • Whose swimsuit is red?
    Vicky's swimsuit is red.
  • Is Trumpet reading a book?
    Yes, he is.
  • Can Patty and Rob swim?
    Yes, they can.
  • Is there a sandcastle in the picture?
    Yes, there is.
  • Are there any trees in the picture?
    Yes, there are.
  • Has Trumpet got a bucket?
    No, he hasn't.
  • Is Chatter drinking water?
    No, he isn't.
  • Her swimsuit is purple. Who is she?
  • Do you want to have such a Summer holiday?
    Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  • How many trees are there in the picture?
    There are three trees.
  • Are Vicky and Karla making a sandcastle?
    Yes, they are.
  • Has Karla got a spade?
    No, she hasn't.
  • What's the weather like?
    It's sunny and hot.
  • Has Karla got a green hat?
    Yes, she has.
  • Where are they?
    They are on the beach.
  • His trousers are blue. Who is he?
    He is Tag.
  • Who is playing with a ball?
    Sally and Tag are playing with a ball.
  • Whose ball is colourful?
    Tag's and Sally's ball is colourful?
  • Is there a forest in the picture?
    Yes, there is.