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  • She was cleaning the house when she ____________(see) an insect.
  • While we ______________(play) in the garden we ___________(hear) a loud noise.
    were playing / heard
  • He _______________(climb) a tree when he ___________(fall).
    was climbing / fell
  • He ______________(fish) when he saw a dog in the sea.
    was fishing
  • She was reading a book while ____________ he (listen) to music.
    was listening
  • She was washing the car while he ____________(clean) the garage yesterday afternoon.
    was cleaning
  • My son _____________ (sleep) when I ___________ (get) home last night.
    was sleeping / got
  • The children ___________(wake up) and _________(go) to the kitchen.
    woke up / went
  • I ______________(cook) pasta at eight o'clock last night.
    was cooking
  • I _____________(walk) to school when it ___________(start) raining.
    was walking / started
  • My parents _____________(sit) in the garden when I __________(arrive) home yesterday evening.
    were sitting / arrived
  • While I ______________(drive) to work, I ____________(see) an elephant in the middle of the road!
    was driving / saw
  • He was watching the news when he ___________(hear) a loud noise.
  • The sun ______________(shine) when I ____________(wake up) this morning.
    was shining / woke up
  • We _____________(eat) lunch when the doorbell __________(ring).
    were eating / rang
  • _______________(the children / sleep) at ten o'clock last night?
    Were the children sleeping
  • I ________________ (have) a bath when the phone rang.
    was having
  • It ________________ (snow) and she was trying to start the car. Suddenly, she heard ......
    was snowing
  • When I _____________(come) home from work yesterday afternoon, the cats ___________ (run) around the living room.
    came/ were running
  • ______________ (you/have) lunch at a restaurant yesterday?
    Did you have