
Friday Check-in January

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  • What is something that is important to you?
    answers will vary
  • What is one interest of yours that others might not know about?
    answers will vary
  • What did you do during your free time this week?
    answers will vary
  • What was the most frustrating part of the week?
    Answers will vary
  • What job would you like in the future?
    answers will vary
  • What was the most enjoyable part of the week?
    answers will vary
  • Did you feel anxious at any time during the week?
    answers will vary
  • Not including school time, about how many hours did you spend on screens this week?
    answers will vary
  • What words would you use to describe this week?
    answers will vary
  • Did you spend some time exercising this week?
    answers will vary
  • How do you know when you're having a good day?
    answers will vary
  • Did you have any headaches this week?
    answers will vary
  • What sports or non-educational activities did you participate in this week?
    answers will vary
  • What was your best accomplishment this week?
    answers will vary
  • Did you get enough sleep each night this week?
    answers will vary
  • Who is your role model?
    answers will vary
  • How would your teacher describe you?
    answers will vary
  • Did you have any bad days this week? What did you do to make yourself feel better?
    answers will vary