
Grandpa's Great Escape (chapters 1-15)

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  • Before the old man had become too c___________d, he would take his grandson on the most magical days out.
  • However, being only twelve years old, Jack felt p_______s to do anything.
  • “Well, we’re all really really really worried. Now please let’s not have a competition about who is the most worried!” she shouted a_____y.
  • Together Grandpa and Jack inhabited their own world and had c_____s imaginary adventures.
  • From their overalls and spades, Jack assumed they must be g________s. Though it seemed strange that they were digging graves in the dead of night.
  • “What on earth is he on about?” demanded Reverend Hogg, before muttering under his breath, “The man is a complete l____n.”
  • “Are you N________S? It’s freezing tonight!” replied the woman. “But we have to do something! Grandpa is out there somewhere, lost!”
  • N_____s to say, Jack’s parents had been extremely reluctant to move the old man into their home.
  • Sadly the food at Grandpa’s home was always diabolical. He called it “r_______s”, as he had during the war.
  • Before long, Grandpa was fast asleep on the bottom b____k in the boy’s bedroom, snoring for England.
  • The legendary Spitfire was, of course, their absolute favourite. Seeing her always brought Grandpa’s memories of the war f________g back.
  • His mother worked at the cheese counter of the local supermarket, and wherever she went, a strong w_____t of cheese came with her.
  • Instead of spending his days playing football in the park with all the other kids from school, he would stay inside assembling his prized c_________n of model aeroplanes.
  • Dad was in his pyjamas and d_______g g______n, hunched over the steering wheel of the family’s little brown car.
    dressing gown
  • She was one of those teachers who somehow managed to make an exciting subject deathly d____l.
  • Of course Grandpa’s e_________c behaviour made the grown-ups worry.
  • As was often the case he could hear m________d voices from downstairs and wanted to listen to what his parents were saying.
  • Of l____e, Grandpa would become tired during the day. So he took an hour’s nap every day after lunch.
  • Most memorable of all was the time Grandpa decided that a shopping trolley at the supermarket was really a Lancaster bomber. He hurtled down the a_______s on a top-secret mission, hurling huge bags of flour.
  • The h_______t of Jack’s week was Sunday. That was the day his parents would leave him with his grandfather.