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  • I ......... study harder before my exams. (potrzebuję uczyć się więcej)
    I NEED TO study harder before my exams
  • I .......... find another one of these. (potrzebuję znaleźć.)
    I NEED TO find another one of these.
  • If we want to work in the USA we ....... speak good English. (potrzebujemy mówić dobrze.)
    If we want to work in the USA we NEED TO speak good English.
  • You are ill. You ....... go to school today. (nie powinieneś iść.)
    You are ill. You SHOULDN'T go to school today.
  • If they see Pauline, they ...... be polite to her. (oni powinni być uprzejmi.)
    If they see Pauline, they SHOULD be polite to her!
  • You ....... remember to feed the dog. (musisz o tym pamiętać.)
    You MUST remember to feed the dog.
  • We ............ talk about it. (nie ma takiej potrzeby.)
    We NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO talk about it.
  • You ...... say anything stupid if you want to keep your job. (nie wolno ci powiedzieć.)
    You MUSTN'T say anything stupid if you want to keep your job.
  • I ............... work so much. (nie powinienem tyle pracować.)
    I SHOULDN'T work so much.
  • You ....... forget the lunch with our neighbours! (nie wolno ci zapomnieć!)
    You MUSTN'T forget the lunch with our neighbours!
  • You .......... drink so much. It's not good for your health. (nie wolno ci.)
    You MUSTN'T drink so much. It's not good for your health.
  • We ........ come to school on time. (musismy być o czasie.)
    We MUST come to school on time.
  • You .......... do your homework (musisz odrobić.)
    You MUST do your homework
  • You look tired. I think you .......... take a few days off. (powinieneś wziąć wolne)
    You look tired. I think you SHOULD take a few days off.
  • We .......... brush our teeth after every meal, if possible. (powinieneś szczotkować zęby.)
    We SHOULD brush our teeth after every meal, if possible
  • I ............... touch anything electrical if I am in the bath. (nie wolno mi.)
    I MUSTN'T touch anything electrical if I am in the bath.
  • You ........ take an umbrella. (Nie ma takiej potrzeby, żebyś brał parasolkę.)
    You NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO take an umbrella.
  • We ........ tidy up until tomorrow. (nie ma takiej potrzeby.)
    We NEEDN'T / DON'T NEED TO tidy up until tomorrow.
  • I .................. know the exact price. (potzebuję znać.)
    I NEED TO know the exact price.
  • I ..................... worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard. (nie powineneś się martwić.)
    I SHOULDN'T worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard.