
Bad Jokes

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  • What is the strongest sea creature?
    A mussel
  • Why are sports stadiums always cold?
    They are filled with fans
  • Why don't lamps sink in water?
    They are light
  • Why cant you tell an egg joke?
    It will crack up
  • What is a boomerang that doesn't come back?
    A stick
  • What is the most expensive fish?
    A goldfish
  • What vehicle has 4 wheels and flies?
    a garbage truck
  • What kind of tree fits in your hand?
    A palm tree
  • How do you stop a bull from charging?
    cancel it's credit card
  • What kinds of jokes to pizza's like?
    Cheesy ones
  • How does the ocean say "hi"?
    It waves
  • What animal is always at a baseball game?
    a bat
  • What kind of music do balloons hate?
  • How do billboards talk to eachother?
    They use sign language
  • Why can't a pony talk?
    Its a little horse