
Family and friends 3 Unit 6 reading, comprehensi ...

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  • Does Ellie get up late?
    No, she doesn't.
  • Does Ellie see her friends at the weekend?
    Nos, she doesn't
  • Does Ellie watch her teachers on the Internet?
    Yes, she does.
  • Do Cyber School students live in Australia?
    Yes, they do.
  • Does she live close to her friends?
    No, she doesn't.
  • Do Cyber School students meet at the weekend and have a sports day?
    No, they don't.
  • Does Ellie email her work?
    Yes, she does.
  • Do Cyber School students live next to their school?
    No, they don't.
  • Do Cyber School students live in Australia?
    Yes, they do.
  • Do Cyber School students do their homework with their friends?
    No, they don't.
  • Does Ellie live in a town?
    No, she doesn't.
  • Does Ellie help her parents on the farm?
    Yes, she does.