
Nitrogen Cycle

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  • Explain human impact on the nitrogen cycle in a cause/effect statement.
    Cause - Use of synthetic (man made) nitrogen fertilizers Effect - Fixes more nitrogen than all natural sources combined
  • What is the largest reservoir that contains about 78% of all N2?
  • This form of nitrogen fixation is where most nitrogen “fixing” takes place.
    Biological Fixation
  • Nitrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and ____________, causing most organisms to use only compounds made from nitrogen.
  • This type of nitrogen fixation occurs when energy from lightning breaks N2 molecules apart and they combine with oxygen forming N2O.
    Atmospheric Fixation
  • Industrial fixation is the process of combining N2 with H2 to form______.
  • Nitrogen fixing by bacteria living in root nodules of plants is called a _______ relationship.
  • Ammonification is part of the ______ process.
  • _____ occurs when green plants absorb nitrates, and consumers eat the green plants.
  • This process in the nitrogen cycle involves bacteria in the ground combining ammonia with oxygen to form nitrates.
  • List three negative consequences of excess N2 in the nitrogen cycle.
    1.Acid Rain 2. Invasion by non-native plants 3. Fish-kill events 4. Algal blooms 5. Changes in species
  • Animals at the top of the food chain eating plants for their proteins is the process______.
  • Returning nitrogen to the atmosphere by bacteria living deep in swampy sediments is the process ______.
  • The process where N2 molecules in the air break apart and combine with other atoms to form ammonia.
    Nitrogen Fixation