
Egzamin ósmoklasisty słownictwo

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  • I .......... cooking classes. (Chodzę na zaj. gotowania)
    I attend cooking classes.
  • This model is .................... (Ten model jest wodoodporny.)
    This model is waterproof.
  • We will ............ swimming caps. (My zapewnimy czepki.)
    We will provide swimming caps.
  • That's a ................... (Jaka szkoda.)
    That's a pity. / That's a shame.
  • I don't ......... like going to the theatre. (Nie mam ochoty iść do teatru.)
    I don't feel like going to the theatre.
  • He .......... in love with a beautiful girl. (Zakochał się w pięknej dziewczynie.)
    He fell in love with a beautiful girl.
  • Take some ............ with you. (Weź ze sobą jakieś przekąski.)
    Take some snacks with you.
  • at the .......... of fifteen ( wieku 15 lat)
    at the age of fifteen
  • The .......... was old and broken. (Sprzęt był stary i zepsuty.)
    The equipment was old and broken.
  • Can anyone ............. me what to do? (Czy ktoś może mi doradzić co zrobić?)
    Can anyone advise me what to do?
  • It's not ............. here. (Nie jest tutaj bezpiecznie.)
    It's not safe here.
  • I spent ........................... outdoors. (Spędziłem dużo czasu na dworze.)
    I spent a lot of time outdoors.
  • He is the ........... of the restaurant. (On jest właścicielem tej restauracji.)
    He is the owner of the restaurant.
  • You will ................. it! (Będziesz tego żałować!)
    You will regret it!
  • I'm looking ....... my mobile. (Szukam mojej komórki.)
    I'm looking for my mobile.
  • Can you ......... me the bread? (Czy możesz podać mi chleb?)
    Can you pass me the bread?
  • My parents have already ............... a hotel. (Moi rodzice już zarezerwowali hotel.)
    My parents have already booked a hotel.
  • This will be an .............. experience. (To będzie niezapomniane doświadczenie.)
    This will be an unforgettable experience.
  • He ....... angry. (On się wkurzył.)
    He got angry.
  • Can you ...... me the sugar? (Czy możesz podać cukier??
    Can you pass me the sugar?
  • I have to look ........ my sister. (Muszę opiekować się siostrą.)
    I have to look after my sister.
  • I'm interested .... physics. (Interesuję się fizyką.)
    I'm interested in physics.
  • He didn't .............. about me. (On o mnie nie pamiętał.)
    He didn't remember about me.
  • A special guest .................. (przybył) at our house.
    A special guest arrived at our house.
  • You won't ................. it! (Nie uwierzysz!)
    You won't believe it!
  • The flight has been ................ (Lot został odwołany.)
    The flight has been cancelled.