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  • bookshelf / behind / bed
    There's a bookshelf behind the bed.
  • computer / in front of / clock
    There's a computer in front of the clock.
  • sofa / behind / table
    There's a sofa behind the table.
  • sofa / in front of / table
    There's a sofa in front of the table.
  • computer / in front of / clock
    There's a computer in front of the clock.
  • clock / next to / computer
    There's a clock next to the computer.
  • sofa / behind / table
    There's a sofa behind the table.
  • clock / next to / computer
    There's a clock next to the computer.
  • bed / next to / bookshelf
    There's a bed next to the bookshelf.
  • bookshelf / behind / bed
    There's a bookshelf behind the bed.
  • sofa / in front of / table
    There's a sofa in front of the table.
  • bed / next to / bookshelf
    There's a bed next to the bookshelf.