
Kid's box ezine Unit 5

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  • What is this car made of?
    This car is made of silver
  • What has the dress got on it?
    It’s got animal teeth and bones on it to make it more beautiful.
  • Where do we get natural materials?
    We get natural materials from rocks in the ground, animals or plants.
  • What can we get from sheep?
    We get wool from sheep.
  • Where do we make man-made materials?
    We make man-made materials in factories.
  • What is this chair made of?
    This chair is made of recycled plastic.
  • What is Arsenault’s house made of?
    It's made of glass bottles.
  • What is the bridge made of?
    The bridge is made of paper.
  • What is this tower made of?
    This tower is made of thin card.
  • Where does fur come from?
    Fur comes from animals.
  • What does “recycle” mean?
    “Recycle” means use it again in a different form.
  • How much do the shoes weigh?
    They weigh 680 grams.
  • Where does paper come from?
    Paper comes from trees.
  • What are most houses made of?
    Most houses are made of bricks, stone or wood.
  • How many glass bottles did Arsenault use to build his house?
    He used 12,000 glass bottles to build his house.