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  • Your see your friend and his eyes are red. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
    Have you been +ing
  • Tell me about Estrella Galicia using the words "By far".
    By far the best beer is Estrella Galicia.
  • Compare Burgerking chips and McDonald's chips using the word "far".
    Burgerking chips are far better than McDonald's chips.
  • Compare Bifrutas and Horchata using the the word "slightly".
    Bifrustas is slightly less horrible than Horchata.
  • Benimaclet is full of...
  • "______ ____" an excuse
    make up
  • Where did Bisbal get his big break?
  • You went to the rubbish Albufere 3 times last year. You will probably go again. What do you say (present perfect sim/cont)
    I have been to the Albufera 3 times
  • Dust the "_______"
  • You're tired. You had exams last week and you have exams this week. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
    Students' own
  • What does "puzzling" mean?
  • Alboraya is full of...
  • You are living with your grandparents while your flat is being redecorated. You went to their house in May. What do you say? (present perfect sim/cont)
    I've been living with my grandparents since May.
  • Name 5 things that Chris hates.
    Ed Sheeran, Rosalía, El Hormiguero, Horchata, Bifrutas, Children, The park, "En plan"
  • A phrasal verb that means you can depend on someone or something.
    Count on
  • Chris likes Christmas. True or False.
  • A phrasal verb that means to face a problem or challenge.
    Come up against
  • 5 nouns that collocate with "make" (not food).
    Students' own.
  • A phrasal verb that means to continue.
    Go on
  • 3 adjectives that start with the prefix "un"
    Students' own.
  • Name 3 things that Chris loves.
    Fuet, Beer, Pizza, Nintendo, Making children cry...
  • A phrasal verb that means to use everything until there is nothing.
    Run out of
  • What does "sweep" mean?
    Students' own.
  • Compare Dominoes and Telepizza using the word "nearly"
    Telepizza is not nearly as good as Dominoes.
  • 5 nouns that collocate with "do".
    Students' own.
  • A phrasal verb that means to start a journey or leave.
    Set off.
  • What does "tick all the boxes" mean?
    Students' own.
  • A phrasal verb that means to cancel an event.
    Call off
  • A phrasal verb that means to find by accident
    Come across
  • "_____" the table.
    Set / lay.