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  • Who has the legislative power according to the 1875 constitution?
    The Parliament
  • What is the name of the government proclaimed by the people of France in 1871?
    The Commune
  • What does the word SIEGE mean?
    a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.
  • Who organised an army to lay siege to Paris?
    Adolphe Thiers, seated in Versailles,
  • What is the motto of the French Republic?
    liberty, equality and fraternity
  • When was the Third Republic proclaimed?
    4th September 1870
  • Who led the French Army at Sedan?
    Napoleon III
  • What does it mean TO CAPITULATE?
    cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.
  • What happened in Paris in 1870?
    Proclamation of the Republic
  • What is the name of the battle that takes place 21st to 28th May in 1871?
    The bloody week
  • Which two regions did France lose at Sedan?
    Alsace and Lorraine.
  • Who was the chairman of the government when the french signed the peace treaty?
    Adolphe Thiers
  • What happened in Sedan in 1870?
    The defeat of French Army
  • When was the new constitution voted for?
    in 1875
  • How did the people of France feel after capitulation and losing Alsace and Lorraine?
  • What happened to Napoleon III in Sedan?
    He was taken prisoner
  • What does the ¨universal male suffrage mean¨?
    That all the men older than 21 can vote
  • What does the Parliament consist of?
    The Chamber of deputies and the Senate
  • When does the French government capitulate?
    28th January 1871.
  • Who has the executive power according to the 1875 Constitution?
    The President and the Government chosen by the president
  • What is the name of the song which was an anthem of the Paris Commune?
    Time of cherries
  • Who lays siege to Paris in March 1871?
    The people of France
  • What does it mean to be betrayed?
    Let down, disappointed
  • Name three symbols of the French Republic
    The Phrygian hat, bust of Marianne, the tricolor flag
  • Who lays siege to Paris?
    The Prussians