
FF3 Unit 6

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  • How do you go to school? By bus, by motorbike, by car, or by walking?
  • Do you like to walk to school?
  • What time do you have breakfast?
  • Do you like hot or cold showers?
  • Do you have long hair or short hair?
  • Do you like to get up?
  • Do you shower every day?
  • What do you eat for breakfast?
  • Can you get dressed quickly?
  • Do you run to catch the bus?
  • How many times do you brush your teeth?
  • What do you wear on a cold day?
  • How long do you brush your teeth?
  • What time do you get up?
  • How often do you brush your hair?
  • How do you go to school? By bus, by motorbike, by car, or by walking?