
Family! Emotions and Conversations!

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  • Ask someone in your family what they wanted to be when they grew up? Make a comment
  • You don't like the flavor of toothpaste your parents bought. What can you do? Depending on your response how will your parents feel?
  • You're at the store and mom asks you to pick out some new shoes. You don't see any you like. What can you say? Depending your response, how does mom feel?
  • Name one thing you can do to calm down when you're feeling mad or frustrated
  • You ask your parents what they are going to do with all of their stuff when they die. How might they feel? Is there something else you could have asked?
  • Ask someone in your family what their favorite restaurant is. Make a comment.
  • You can't find any clean clothes in your room. There's a pile of dirty shirts on your floor. What should you do? Depending on your answer how will your parents feel?
  • Ask a family member what is something they hope to get for Christmas. Make a comment
  • You think your dad is more easily frustrated than mom. What can you do when you think he's getting frustrated? Depending on your answer, how do you think he will feel?
  • Mom told you AGAIN to wash your face. So annoying! What can you do? Depending on your response how will mom feel?