
B2 Reading and Use of English Part 2 (game 9)

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  • For instance, the race inventors had intended ________ to be held over five weeks, but such a long race was just too much for most riders
  • The race would be run entirely in July _______ than from late May to early July.
  • Many oi today’s young people, ________ parents were the first generation to experiment with tattoos, see it as a way of expressing their individuality
  • There is evidence of tattoos being worn in Siberia over 4,000 years ago, as _________ as in Ancient Egypt at that time.
  • The two journalists wanted to make the greatest challenge, ______ that had never been tried anywhere before.
  • Nowadays we might think the aim of _________ an idea would be to bring in lots of television money.
  • Tattoos, ________ some people call ‘body art‘, have become more and more popular in recent years.
  • Such a long race was just too much for most riders and very ______ wanted to take part.
  • Wh the inventors at the beginning of the twentieth century wanted to do _______ sell more copies of their newspaper
  • People get tattoos in _______ of the pain caused by having a needle make hundreds of holes in their skin.
  • It was not until the late 18*h century, ________ Captain James Cook sailed to Polynesia, that Europeans took an interest.
  • The reporters were in fact quite closely involved in organising the race, and Desgrange would go _______ to remain Tour Director from 1903 right up to 1939.
  • Millions of people ________ vary widely in age and background are nowadays having their bodies decorated with ink in all kinds of ways
  • As, however, it would still go right round France, the distance travelled each day would be much longer, with cyclists sometimes ________ to ride at night.
    having / needing
  • Ever since Cook´s men saw tattoing in Tahiti, sailors have had tattoos done, often ________ show the distant places they have visited.
  • The very first Tour de France, the greatest cycle race ______ the world, was held in 1903.
  • Even _________, their initial design for the race changed in several important ways before the first one was run.
  • ________ to this increasing demand, tattoo studios have appeared in many towns and villages.
  • The Tour de France began when two French journalists. Henri Desgrange and Geo Lefevre, came _______ with the idea of a race right round the country
  • Circulation figures for the newspaper, ________ had been 25,000, went to 65,000 within a year, and on to half a million by 1923.
  • Tattoing is thought to have existed in Japan 10,000 years ago. Even _________, it was not until the late 18th century that it became known worldwide.
  • _________ people tend to think of it as a modern practice. tattooing has in fact been around for a long time.
    Although / While / Though / Whereas
  • Cook and his crew first saw tattooed men and women in Tahiti, and _________ of that, the English word comes from the Tahitian word tatau.
  • So the race became half _______ length, and it would be run entirely in July .
    its / that / the
  • People see getting a tattoo as a way of expressing their individuality, and in _________ to do this, they are constantly looking for new styles and designs.
  • It was on the island of Tahiti, __________ tattooing had an important role in society, that Cook and his crew first saw tattooed men and women.