
CAE, Grammar, Verb Patterns 01 (DPB)

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  • Were you to refuse ..... (REMOVE) your high-heels, the Greeks wouldn't allow you to visit the Acropolis.
    To remove
  • The authorities of Victoria (Australia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) are opposed ..... (FLY) kites, and have banned the activity.
    To flying
  • Never admit ..... (FEED) the pigeons in Venice as it's illegal and could land you a €700 fine.
  • I'm sorry ..... (INFORM) you that sitting or lying down on the pavement in Reno is illegal.
    To inform
  • Please refrain ..... (Prep + CLIMB) trees in Ontario as you can expect to pay a hefty fine ($365) if you don't have a permit.
    From climbing
  • Canadian radio stations must not forget ..... (PLAY) Canadain artists as the law requires 35% of aired music to be Canadian.
    To play
  • I would love ..... (TELL) your fortune, but I can't as it's illegal to practise occult arts in Yamhill, Oregon.
    To tell
  • Beware ..... (CLAIM) to be married when staying at a hotel in North Carolina as the law states that you will be deemed to have a common law marriage.
  • One should avoid ..... (RIDE) a cow in Scotland whilst drunk as an 1872 law prohibits it.
  • In a bid to "prevent traffic accidents and public disorder" Cambodian shopkeepers are prohibited ..... (Prep + SELL) water pistols leading upto and during New Year.
    From selling
  • Since 2014, Russian shops have stopped ..... (SELL) lacy underwear as the law requires all underwear to contain at least 6% cotton.
  • If you are considering ..... (COMMIT) murder in New Jersey, you should remember it is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while doing so.
  • In North Dakota, you can only kill a pigeon if the state has permitted ..... (DO) it.
    You/Sb to do it.
  • Chewing gum is banned in Singapore, although the government doesn't mind people .... (USE) gum for theraputic purposes, such as giving up smoking.
  • In Delaware a pawnbroker can't make ..... (HAND OVER) an artificial limb to pay off a debt.
    You/Sb hand over
  • People travelling to the Caribbean are strongly advised ..... (LEAVE) any camouflage style clothes at home, as in many countries it can only be worn by the military.
    To leave
  • The people of Gainsville, Georgia, insist ..... (Prep + EAT) fried chicken with their fingers, so much so, that using a fork is illegal.
    On eating
  • The Spanish government can't stand kids ..... (MAKE) sand castles and fines can range from €100 (Majorca) to €1,500 (Galicia).
  • Please remember ..... (NOT WEAR) a costume to a meeting in North Carolina, as it's illegal.
    Not to wear
  • It's not that French men refuse ..... (WEAR) bermuda shorts at the beach, it's the law. For hygiene purposes, they have to wear Speedos.
    To wear
  • If you don't feel like ..... (WALK) the dog, even if it's raining, Rome requires owners to walk their pets daily or risk a fine of €625.
  • Portugal has banned ..... (URINATE) in the ocean to keep beaches clean and beach-goers healthy.
  • In Germany, it's a driver's responsibility to check the fuel gauge and stop ..... (FILL UP), so much so it's illegal to run out of petrol on German Autobahns.
    To fill up
  • ..... (TAKE) a selfie with Buddha is illegal in Sri Lanka, and punishable by imprisonment, as you are turning your back on the prophet.
  • In Billings, Montana, live performers are made ..... (STAY) on stage throughout their performance.
    To Stay
  • I remember .... (READ) an article saying you can't hold public office if you've ever been in a duel, but I can't remember if it was in Tennessee or Texas.
    Reading (Tennessee)
  • In La Paz, Bolivia, if a married woman starts ..... (DRINK) a second glass of wine she is breaking the law, and her husband can legally divorce her. Single women can drink as much as they want.
    Drinking or To drink
  • A Pole might threaten ..... (CALL) the police if you wear a Winne the Pooh t-shirt near a school. They find his trouserless form a little too risque.
    To call
  • In Wyoming, all public buildings are required ..... (DISPLAY) pieces of art to the value of 1% of the buildings cost, up to a limit of $100k.
    To display
  • Oklahoma decided ..... (MAKE) eavesdropping illegal if you repeat what you heard to cause annoyance or upset.
    To make