
Think it vs. Say it 3

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  • You're really bad at football
    Think it
  • Do you want to hang out with us?
    Say it
  • You look frustrated. Can I help you?
    Say it
  • Can I get a drink of water please?
    Say it
  • I don't want to sit by you
    Think it
  • Your breath smells so bad
    Think it
  • This is torture. Are we done yet?
    Think it
  • Your hair smells good
    Think it
  • I can't believe you got that answer wrong
    Think it
  • Shut up. You're wrong.
    Think it
  • Your shoes look funny
    Think it
  • You look like you don't feel well. Is there anything I can do to help?
    Say it
  • Excuse me, I'm lost. Can you tell me where to go?
    Say it
  • Give me your pencil
    Think it
  • I'm the best quarterback on the team.
    Think it
  • Your school picture looks very nice
    Say it
  • You've got to be kidding me. This is so boring.
    Think it
  • I like him better than you
    Think it
  • We can play your game this time, but can we play mine next time?
    Say it
  • Do you want to sit by me?
    Say it