
1BTO Unit 8 Review

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  • Have you seen Joe? As a ______ ___ ______, I just ran into him yesterday.
    matter of fact
  • Complete with an -ever word: The museum is open 7 days a week, so we can go on ____ day we like.
  • "Because of COVID, a lot of people have been let go lately. I think the economy will suffer as a result." What does "be let go" mean?
    to be fired/furloughed
  • Name a conspiracy theory related to COVID-19.
    Wuhan laboratory, bat soup, 5G towers, bioweapon... etc.
  • Complete with an -ever word: _____ happens, try to stay calm.
  • Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: His anger really scared me.
    What really scared me was his anger.
  • I agree = I'm ____ you 100% on that.
  • I know you're dying to tell her the news, but you need to bite your _______ until the report confirms our theory.
  • What did that sign say? .. I think it said "open until 7pm", but I don't have my glasses on, ____ you.
  • If ______ gets out about the conspiracy, so many politicians are going to jail.
  • Complete with an -ever word: John moved to a town called Lymphville, _____ that is.
  • I agree. = That's a really good _____.
  • Reword the sentence. "That documentary taught me absolutely nothing." -> _______ whatsoever.
    That documentary taught me nothing whatsoever.
  • Reword the sentence to emphasize the bold word using the word in parenthesis. THOMAS broke the lamp, not Daniel. (it)
    It was Thomas who broke the lamp, not Daniel.
  • ____ has it that Adele is releasing a new album soon.
  • If I "endorse" a policy, what am I doing?
    I am saying I support it, usually publically.
  • Complete with an -ever word: This window leaks ____ it rains.
  • "Please don't tell my sister" "Don't worry, my lips are ______."
  • "I didn't know you were expecting! Congratulations!" What is the person "expecting"?
    a baby
  • I think phase 1 starts next week, but don't _____ me on that.
  • Complete with an -ever word: Don't be late for your interview, _____ you do.
  • Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: I just want David to be happy.
    All I want is (for) David to be happy.
  • What is the difference between "libel" and "slander"?
    Libel is written defamation, slander is written.
  • Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: You only need love.
    All you need is love.
  • Jenny: "Tea is much healthier than coffee.".... Tom: "I concur with you." Tom (agrees/disagrees) with Jenny.
  • Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: I just need a few more minutes to finish this exam.
    All i need is a few more minutes to finish this exam.
  • Complete with an -ever word: The rules are simple, ______ gets the highest score wins.