
B2 Reading and Use of English Part 2 (game 6)

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  • Mark devoted himself to his painting for six months, producing a series of beautiful pictures. However, he began to miss his colleagues, ______ to mention the interesting work he did at the lab.
  • ________ only did Mark do well in his studies, he also found a job in a research laboratory which he found interesting and satisfying.
  • Electric cars are cheaper to run and they don't _______ off harmful exhaust fumes.
  • The need to find alternatives to petrol use has never _______ greater than it is today.
  • Fossil fuels are damaging our atmosphere and oil companies keep putting _______ the price of petrol.
  • There is also a lack ________ places to charge the electric car's battery,
  • In the end, Mark spoke to his boss, and they agreed he could take six months off work, as ________ as he promised to return to work after that.
  • One thing that has ______ many people off buying an electric car is the price, which has dropped in recent years but is still higher than other cars.
  • Not having enough places to charge the car's battery, leads to the fear that the car will ________ out of power halfway through a trip.
  • Mark still dreamt of being an artist. And _______ matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the idea out of his head.
  • Mark chose to study physics at university so ________ to have a career in science.
  • Still, the widespread use of electric cars has not caught _________.
  • Mark painted after work and at the weekends, but he never felt he had enough time to create something he was really proud of. On _______ of that, he was becoming exhausted working in the lab for so many hours every day.
  • It looked as if all his dreams had come true. ________ , Mark was not completely happy.
  • Electric cars have a number of benefits, the ________ obvious being that they don't use petrol or diesel.
  • What's more, electric car engines are silent and their performance on the road is the same ________ regular cars.
  • ______ the fact that the classes Mark enjoyed most at school were the art classes, he chose to study physics at university.