
Focus 4 Shopping around

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  • You should also _____ , as prices vary between companies and your phone might be on special offer somewhere.
    shop around
  • Maxine is always happy to pay ___ for expensive sunglasses – I definitely wouldn't spend that much on them!
  • Matt wasn't sure if he wanted the suit, so the shop assistant agreed to put it ____ for 24 hours to give him time to think about it.
  • They hadn't been into the town centre for a while, but when they went they saw that two new clothes shops had sprung ___ on the same street.
  • If you don't like the phone when it arrives, then _____ it ____ immediately
    send .... back
  • Emily checked ___ on the best online sites before she bought anything.
  • Could you get a cheaper deal if you _____ the number of messages you send?
    cut down on
  • We spend loads on eating out in restaurants. We've got to cut ___ on the amount we spend.
  • Katia is going to a wedding next month, so she's looking ___ for some red shoes to go with her outfit.
  • Before you sign a contract for a new phone plan, _____ any potential disadvantages, for example, do you have to stay with the same company for a year or longer?
    look out for
  • Don't just buy something in the first place you go to; shop ____ a bit and make sure you get the best price.
  • If you are going to pay out for an expensive new phone, first ____ on the manufacturer's plans – they may be bringing out a new model soon
    check up
  • I ordered some shoes online, but they're too small so I'm going to send them ___ and get a refund.