
Past tenses

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  • She (to leave) the room
    She has left the room
  • He (to write) an essay a week before the deadline
    He had written an essay a week before the deadline
  • We (to see) a movie in the theater last weekend
    We saw a movie in the theater last weekend
  • He already (to eat) lunch with his friends
    He already ate lunch with his friends
  • You (to be) here for hours when we arrived
    You had been here for hours when we arrived
  • You (to think) about important things in your life
    You have thought about important things in your life
  • I (to think) about it before that
    I had thought about it before that
  • You (to learn) an important lesson
    You learned an important lesson
  • They (to see) many strange people today
    They have seen many strange people today
  • He (to come) home before we had
    He had come home before we had
  • We (to talk) to our teacher
    We talked to our teacher
  • She (to study) very hard for this exam
    She studied very hard for this exam
  • He (to give) me important news
    He has given me important news
  • She (to say) me before I saw her
    She had seen me before I saw her
  • You (to have) many problems before you fixed it
    You had had many problems before you fixed it
  • We (to write) these books
    We have written these books
  • I (to go) to Barcelona last Saturday
    I went to Barcelona last Saturday
  • They (to say) something very rude during their last class
    They said something very rude during their last class
  • I (to say) yes before I saw him
    I had said yes before I saw him
  • We (to read) the whole book before school
    We had read the whole book before school
  • She (to know) about it before the rest of us did
    She had known about it before the rest of us did
  • You (to make) lots of errors in your essay
    You made lots of errors in your essay
  • I (to have) this dish before
    I have had this dish before
  • I (to leave) school fifteen minutes early
    I left school fifteen minutes early
  • They (to eat) before I had the opportunity to eat
    They had eaten before I had the opportunity to eat
  • We (to give) her a present after her birthday
    We had given her a present after her birthday
  • They (to leave) the school before I arrived
    They had left the school before I arrived
  • She ___ already (to eat) lunch today
    She has already eaten lunch today
  • He (to read) all of these books
    He has read all of these books
  • You (to say) things like that before now
    You have said things like that before now
  • He (to look) for the remote
    He looked for the remote
  • She (to be) here ten minutes ago
    She was here ten minutes ago
  • We (to come) to this party
    We have come to this party
  • I (to be) to Spain before
    I have been to Spain before
  • They (to know) this for a while
    They have known this for a while