
Finish the Nursery Rhyme

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  • Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...
    and didn't know where to find them.
  • Mary had a little lamb whose...
    fleece was white as snow.
  • Little Miss Muffet Sat on her tuffet...
    eating her curd and whey.
  • Hickory, hickory, dock. The mouse...
    ran up the clock.
  • Three blind mice, three blind mice...
    see how they run, see how they run!
  • Little Jack Horner, sat in the corner...
    eating his Christmas pie.
  • Rock a bye baby, on the tree top...
    when the wind blows the cradle will rock.
  • Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard...
    to fetch her poor dog a bone.
  • There was a farmer had a dog and...
    Bingo was his name-o.
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider crawled up the water spout. Down came...
    the rain and washed the spider out.
  • Twinkle, twinkle little star,
    how I wonder what you are.
  • Jack be nimble, Jack be quick...
    Jack jump over the candlestick.
  • Five little monkeys jumping on the bed...
    one fell down and bumped his head.
  • Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow...
    jumped over the moon.
  • Jack and Jill went up the hill to...
    fetch a pail of water.
  • Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty...
    had a great fall.
  • All around the cobbler's bench, the monkey chased the weasel...
    the monkey thought t’was all in fun, pop, goes the weasel.
  • This old man, he played one...
    he played knick-knack on my thumb.
  • Sing a song of sixpence...
    a pocket full of rye.