
All about me

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  • Are you totally honest, or do you tell white lies?
  • techno-geek: someone who loves __________ and knows a lot about it
    techno-geek: someone who loves technology and knows a lot about it
  • Are you a couch potato?
  • Do you have a lot of patience or a short fuse?
  • Are you basically an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Who is the best-looking person in your family?
  • Who is the smartest person in your family?
  • Are you a light sleeper, or can you sleep through anything?
  • have a short fuse: to get _____ very easily, very quickly
    have a short fuse: to get angry very easily, very quickly
  • night owl: someone who stays up very _____
    night owl: someone who stays up very late
  • Are you a moocher or do you hate to borrow things?
  • couch potato: someone who sits on a _____ all day, reading or watching TV
    couch potato: someone who sits on a sofa all day, reading or watching TV
  • clean freak/neat freak: an excessively ______ person
    clean freak/neat freak: an excessively clean person
  • Are you punctual or sometimes late?
  • picky eater: someone who is very selective about the ______ they eat
    picky eater: someone who is very selective about the food they eat
  • Do you have a long or short attention span?
  • Do you forgive and forget or hold a grudge?
  • Are you close to your grandparents? Any of your aunts, uncles, cousins?
  • slob: a very _____ person
    slob: a very messy person
  • Are you a morning person or an evening person? Do you have a curfew?
  • Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?
  • technophobic: having a fear of new ___________
    technophobic: having a fear of new technology
  • Cheapskate: someone who does not like to spend _____
    Cheapskate: someone who does not like to spend money
  • foodie: someone who really loves ____ and knows a lot about it
    foodie: someone who really loves food and knows a lot about it
  • Big spender: Someone who spends a lot of ______ and buys expensive things.
    Big spender: someone who spends a lot of money and buys expensive things