
JI Reading Renaissance Day Review Questions

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  • (Unit 4) How did the Egyptians see their sphinx?
    A protective male who would guide them the right way.
  • What does puzzled mean?
  • (Unit 2) Who's life did Dilon Earl save?
    He saved his grandmother's life and the other drivers' lives, too.
  • (Unit 3) What does a child who is bullied draw?
    They draw bigger children surrounding them or standing alone to show they are feeling lonely.
  • (Unit 1) Who is the author of 'Not Fat Because I Wanna Be"?
    LaNiyah Bailey
  • (Unit 3) What emotion does the color RED express?
    Warmth and comfort. Anger and danger.
  • (Unit 1) What does "consequence" mean?
    Problems or bad results
  • (Unit 1) What does "prevent" mean?
    To stop something from happening
  • (Unit 3) What emotions do darker colors express?
    Feelings of anger and fear
  • (Unit 2) What did Titan want John Benton to know?
    Titan wanted John to know that his wife was passed out on the floor.
  • (Unit 4) What is a Sphinx?
    A magical creature with lion's body and a human's head.
  • (Unit 4) What is a clue?
    Hint. Something that helps someone find an answer to a question.
  • What can a child's drawing help us understand?
    It can help us understand how they feel.
  • (Unit 1) What month is National Bullying Prevention Month?
  • (Unit 3) What are some parts that help us understand a child's drawing?
    Colors, objects, people, and sizes are helpful.
  • (Unit 3) Children are always good at expressing their feelings. [T/F]
    False. They are not always good at expressing their feelings.
  • (Unit 1) What does "depressed" mean?
    Feeling unhappy and sad
  • (Unit 2) What is the name of Karen's older brother?
  • (Unit 1) For how long was LaNiyah bullied for?
    She was bullied for 3 years.
  • (Unit 1) What is cyberbullying?
    When someone bullies another person over the Internet.
  • (Unit 3) Why did people in the past paint on cave walls?
    To explain their ways of life and the events that happened
  • (Unit 2) How old is Chris?
    Chris is 9 years old.
  • (Unit 1) Why is LaNiyah overweight?
    Because she struggles with a sickness that makes her gain weight.
  • (Unit 4) How did the Greeks see their sphinx?
    A female who was a mean and tricky monster.
  • (Unit 4) What would happen to Oedipus if he could not answer Sphinx's riddle?
    He would be eaten.
  • (Unit 3) What emotion does the color BLUE express?
    Feelings of calmness or sadness.
  • (Unit 1) What is the important message in the book, 'Not Fat Because I Wanna Be"?
    The important message is that no one should bully others just because they look different.
  • (Unit 2) How old is Karen?
    Karen is 4 years old.
  • (Unit 4) What is a riddle?
    A problem or a puzzle in the form of a question.
  • (Unit 2) What did Billeigh Gould do after discovering a fire in the living room?
    She informed her family members who were upstairs.
  • (Unit 4) Why did students look forward to art class?
    Because they love Miss Andrews's stories.
  • (Unit 2) What led Chris to the basement door?
    A trail of cookie crumbs