
El imperfecto

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  • Translate: Me crié en los Estados Unidos.
    I was raised (criarse) in the US.
  • Translate: Yo compartía todos mis juguetes con mis primos.
    I would/used to share all my toys with my cousins.
  • What are the conjugations for VER?
    veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veían
  • What are the conjugations for SER?
    era, eras, era, éramos, eran
  • Conjugate: Nosotros (llorar) mucho de pequeños.
  • What is the imperfect used for?
    To talk about childhood, events in the past, ongoing events, habitual and repetitive actions.
  • Conjugate: Ustedes (desobedecer) a sus padres
  • Conjugate: Yo (llevarse) bien con mis amigos
    me llevaba
  • Translate: olvidar
    to forget
  • Conjugate: Yo (pelearse)
    Me peleaba
  • Translate: El equipo de fútbol me molestaba porque yo no era muy rápido.
    The soccer team would/used to bother me because I was not very fast.
  • What are the -ar endings?
    aba, abas, aba, ábamos, aban
  • Translate: De pequeño, me disfrazaba de super héroe.
    As a child, I would/used to dress up as a super hero.
  • What words does the imperfect translate to in English?
    would, used to, was, were, was + ing, were + ing.
  • How many irregulars are there in the imperfect?
    3 (to go-ir, to be- ser, and ver- to see)
  • What are the endings for -er / -ir verbs?
    ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
  • What are the conjugations for IR?
    iba, ibas, iba, íbamos, iban
  • The yo, él, ella and usted conjugations are all the same for any imperfect verbs. Cierto o Falso?
  • Translate: Nací en El Paso, Texas.
    I was born in El Paso, Texas
  • -er / -ir do NOT have the same endings. Cierto o Falso?
    False. They DO have the same endings
  • Translate: Yo iba a la playa todos los veranos.
    I used to go to the beach every summer.
  • Translate: Yo era muy juguetón y travieso?
    I used to be playful and naughty.