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  • The can of soda was full of ARTIFICIAL ingredients.
    delicious, unhealthy, confusing, natural
  • The Sahara is an IMMENSE desert in Africa.
    dehydrated, vast, minuscule, sandy
  • Allison and Shelly CONSTRUCTED a giant sand castle.
    built, wanted, created, destroyed
  • The cheating scandal was a DISGRACE to the entire school.
    punishment, honor, catastrophe, lesson
  • Copying another author's work is strictly FORBIDDEN.
    unwanted, excluded, unacceptable, allowed
  • Sammy ACCIDENTALLY spilled the milk.
    intentionally, quietly, considerately, foolishly
  • Our car was DAMAGED in the accident.
    destroyed, dented, bumped, repaired
  • Mrs. Larsen always treated her guests courteously.
    nicely, timidly, respectfully, rudely
  • Those INDUSTRIOUS ants never stop working!
    busy, lazy, speedy, disgusting
  • The wildflowers were ABUNDANT in the meadow.
    plentiful, beautiful, scarce, blooming
  • Sasha wants to be a PROFESSIONAL figure skater someday.
    graceful, champion, amateur, horrible
  • Maria worked for half an hour on the COMPLICATED math problem.
    difficult, long, assigned, simple
  • Amber was ECSTATIC when she found out about the trip.
    excited, miserable, confused, overjoyed
  • Mr. Lee was a GENEROUS man who often gave to charity.
    foolish, friendly, angry, stingy
  • Michah's picture was quite UNIQUE.
    interesting, ordinary, colorful, remarkable
  • Cody ADMITTED that he had cheated on the math test.
    denied, remarked, shouted, agreed
  • Arriving on time for the train is ESSENTIAL.
    unnecessary, required, expected, exciting
  • The COWARDLY dog ran away with its tail between its legs.
    courageous, frightened, friendly, disobedient
  • On the subject of insects, Allen is quite KNOWLEDGABLE
    interested, ignorant, disgusted, bored
  • We made a TEMPORARY shelter for the night.
    sometimes, quietly, permanent, always
  • Talia IGNITED the wood with a single match.
    extinguished, lit, watched, gathered
  • Cara is a good singer and a GRACEFUL dancer.
    talented, clumsy, ballet, devoted
  • Zoe felt FEEBLE after being sick for a week.
    weak, healthy, grouchy, powerful
  • The moths were ATTRACTED by the light of the candle.
    repelled, guided, burned, excited
  • Mr. Johnson DISTRIBUTED the tests.
    corrected, requested, collected, created
  • The diamond ring is quite VALUABLE.
    worthless, expensive, beautiful, shiny
  • Begin by drawing a HORIZONTAL line on your paper.
    straight, crooked, diagonal, vertical
  • Carlos USUALLY has a snack after school.
    frequently, nearly, rarely, always
  • We have had MILD weather all week.
    sunny, windy, wonderful, harsh
  • We FREQUENTLY ate ice cream for dessert when I was young.
    happily, seldom, often, always
  • The pyramids were built by the ANCIENT Egyptians.
    mysterious, modern, powerful, antique
  • Hannah ENTHUSIASTICALLY agreed to wear the dress.
    quickly, politely, reluctantly, totally