
5th Grade: The population of Spain and Europe

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  • What do you call a population who can’t work?
    An inactive population.
  • What is the term we use when people move from rural areas to cities?
    Rural Exodus
  • What is an active population?
    The people who can work.
  • What term do we use for the number of babies born per thousand people?
    Birth Rate
  • When can we say that the population decreases?
    When people die or when they leave.
  • What is the formula to calculate the population density?
    Population Density= Number of People/ Surface Area per square kilometer.
  • Calculate the population density of Smallville.  Population: 1500 people, Surface Area: 300 square kilometers.
    5 people per square kilometer.
  • What is the population density of the European Union?
    It is 116 people per square kilometer.
  • What information can we find in a census?
    Gender, age, civil status, level of studies, and jobs
  • When can we say that the population increases?
    When babies are born or when new people arrive.
  • Who carries out the census in Spain?
    The Instituto Nacional de Estadística
  • What are the two groups in an active population?
    People who have jobs (employed), and people who don’t have jobs (unemployed).
  • What do you call the number of years that a person will probably live?
    Life Expectancy
  • What is Population Density?
    It is the number of people in an area per square kilometer.
  • What do you call the study on the changes in population?
  • What do you call the special survey that governments use to count the residents in a country?
  • What is emigration?
    Happens when people leave their country for another place.
  • Define net migration.
    It is the difference between the number of people who leave a country and the number who come to that country.
  • Cities are __________ populated while rural areas are __________ populated.
    Densely, sparsely
  • What do you call the permanent movement of people from one place to another?
  • Spain has a young or ageing population?
    It has an ageing population.
  • What is the difference between immigrants and emigrants?
    Immigrants are people who come to a country from another country. Emigrants are people who move to a different country.
  • What is Death Rate?
    The number of people that died per thousand people.
  • What do we call the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths?
    Natural Growth
  • What is immigration?
    Happens when people come to a new country to live.
  • How often do countries do census?
    Every 10 years.