
Migrant Vocabulary

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  • Refugee
    A person who leaves their country for safety - due to war, political upheaval, disaster, etc
  • Migrant
    A person who attempts to move to a new country, but may be removed by the government
  • Demolish
    to tear down
  • Assistance
    Act of helping someone else
  • Caravan
    A group of travelers on a journey together
  • NGO
    Non-Governmental Organization
  • Expulsion
    to force to leave
  • Deportation
    The removal of an immigrant back to their home country
  • Border
    The end/extent of a country, the country's boundary
  • Refugee Camp
    Temporary shelter for people forced to leave their home countries
  • Detention Center
    A temporary place to house people for entering a country illegally or for wrongdoing
  • Immigrant
    A person who moves to a new country permanently
  • Asylum (seek asylum)
    Protection from arrest, protection from being sent back to one's previous country