
Past simple / Past continuous

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  • The car ... (drive) past us as we ... (sit) on the pavement.
    drove - were sitting
  • When I ... (wake) up this morning, it ... (snow).
    woke - was snowing
  • Find the mistake: While I chatted to Sue, the phone rang.
    chatted = was chatting
  • While I ... (work), I suddenly ... (feel) tired.
    was working - felt
  • Find the mistake: Did you worked at the hospital last year?
    worked = work
  • I ... (sleep) this morning, when my husband ... (leave) for work.
    was sleeping - left
  • They ... (stop) while they ... (drive) home.
    stopped - were driving
  • When I ... (do) the dishes, I ... (break) a plate.
    was doing - broke
  • Find the mistake: No, we didn't went surfing in Australia last year.
    didn't went = didn't go
  • Find the mistake: Did you waiting for your brother in the park this morning?
    did you waiting = did you wait / were you waiting
  • While I ... (do) my homework, my boyfriend ... (call) me.
    was doing - called
  • Find the mistake: I sang songs all the evening!
    sang = was singing
  • Find the mistake: Did you knew the answer?
    did you knew = did you know
  • Find the mistake: The girl was swimming when she was seeing the shark.
    was seeing = saw
  • The guests ... (arrive) when Jane ... (cook) dinner.
    arrived - was cooking
  • I ... (sit) in a café, when you ... (call) me.
    was sitting - called
  • She ... (run) home, when I ... (see) her.
    was running - saw
  • Find the mistake: What was you doing yesterday evening?
    was you doing = were you doing
  • The cell phone ... (ring) when I ... (take) a shower.
    rang - was taking
  • When Angelo ... (get) up yesterday, the sun ... (shine).
    got - was shining
  • I ... (scroll) on TikTok when my teacher ... (show) up behind me.
    was scrolling - showed
  • Last night I ... (read) in bed when I suddenly ... (hear) a scream.
    was reading - heard
  • While I ... (skate) in the park, a ball ... (slam) me in the face.
    was skating - slammed
  • She ... (study) for the test, when she ... (start) to feel sick.
    was studying - started
  • Find the mistake: He was breaking this vase yesterday when he was watching football.
    was breaking = broke
  • Find the mistake: While he writing, someone knocked at the door.
    writing = was writing
  • Find the mistake: Sally was doing her homework when I was coming in.
    was coming = came
  • ... (you - watch) TV when I ... (call) you?
    were you watching - called
  • She ... (read) a book when I ... (ask) her to go out with me.
    was reading - asked
  • Find the mistake: Last night, Martin and Ann was studying from 2 to 6.
    was = were
  • She ... (visit) Blarney Castle when she ... (study) in Ireland.
    visited - was studying
  • George ... (break) his leg when he ... (paint) the ceiling.
    broke - was painting
  • The teacher ... (fall) asleep when the students ... (write) a test.
    fell - were writing
  • While Tom ... (play) the piano, his mother ... (walk) in.
    was playing - walked
  • Find the mistake: Mary was painted her room when her father came home.
    was painted = was painting
  • My mum ... (fall) from the stairs when she ... (clean) the house.
    fell - was cleaning
  • She ... (hear) the noise while she ... (have) dinner.
    heard - was having
  • Find the mistake: Andrew weren't going home after school.
    weren't going = wasn't going
  • Find the mistake: She had a shower when her phone rang.
    had = was having
  • We ... (not go) out, because it ... (rain) really hard outside.
    did not go - was raining
  • Angelo ... (wait) at the dentist, when he ... (fall) from his chair.
    was waiting - fell