
Passive Voice [ present and past]

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  • The cakes ______ by the children. (eat)
    are eaten
  • Lemons and sugar _______ to make lemonade. (use)
    are used
  • Hamlet _____ by Shakespeare in 1603. (write)
    was written
  • The first smartphone______ in 1992 by IBM.(invent)
    was invented
  • Many of the things we use every day ______ by women.(invent)
    were invented
  • A movie _____ by us last night. (watch)
    was watched
  • Olive oil ________ by most Mediterranean countries. (produce)
    is produced
  • Avatar______ by Steven Spielberg. (not directed)
    wasn't directed
  • It ______by Picasso. (paint)
    was painted
  • Cricket _____in the summer in the UK. (play)
    is played
  • Children   _____ to the zoo. (take)
    are taken
  • Nowadays a lot of toys_____ in China. (make)
    are made
  • All bags _______very carefully at airports these days. (check)
    are checked