
Simple Past Wh-questions / Yes or No questions a ...

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  • What / you / buy?
    What DID you buy? I bought a cell phone.
  • _________ ________ they do?
    What did they do? They shopped in markets.
  • Why / the baby / cry?
    Why DID the baby cry? The baby cried because...
  • the party / exciting (be) ?
    WAS the party exciting? Yes, it was.
  • _______ they _______ to a festival? No, they _______ a tour.
    DID they GO to a festival? No, they TOOK a tour.
  • What / she / see?
    What DID she see? She saw...
  • _______ they relax? No, they _________ sightseeing.
    DID they relax? No, they WENT sightseeing.
  • Where / she / go?
    Where DID she go? She went to London.
  • When / they / travel?
    When DID they travel? They traveled on February 14th.
  • How ________ you _________ there? (get)
    How DID you GET there? I flew / I took a plane.
  • _________ ________ he __________ (stay)?
    WHERE DID he STAY? He stayed in a hotel.
  • __________ it a good trip?
    WAS it a good trip? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.
  • the library / noisy (be)?
    WAS the library noisy? No, it wasn't. It was quiet.