
Animal Farm Chapters III-V

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  • What stopped the other pigs' protests?
    The dogs' growling.
  • Who did it seem the animals would support after Snowball's speech at the Sunday windmill meeting?
    They would have supported Snowball's plans for the windmill.
  • What did Napoleon cancel?
    Sunday meetings.
  • What does Squealer accuse Snowball of?
    Being no better than a criminal.
  • What would be the benefit of a windmill, according to Snowball?
    Electricity would make life easier.
  • What did Napoleon say at first about the windmill?
    Food production is more important.
  • What happened to Mollie?
    She betrayed Animal Farm and went to work for humans.
  • Who takes the puppies away for education?
  • What happened to the milk and apples?
    The pigs took them to eat.
  • In Chapter V, besides the windmill, on what issue do Napoleon and Snowball disagree?
    Defense of the farm.